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I have CF, am relatively fit, 24 years old, 173cm tall, and weigh 68kg.

My TSH value is 5.02 (ref.: 0.4-4.2), FT3 is at 3.45 (ref.: 2-4.2), and FT4 at 10 (ref.: 8-18).

There is a history of hashimoto thyreoiditis in my family -- do these values indicate that this is beginning for me now as well? I have not had any further thyroid tests, but I am frequently very tired.

So far my doctors say this is not suspicious. What do you think?

Again one thing: would it make sense to take selenium? This is actually not "in the plan" in case of CF?

the slightly elevated TSH value can mean many things; one typical sign of an auto-immune disease of the hashimoto type would be certain antibodies to be detected in the blood. The clinical evidence would be at least as important, though: are there any problems with the thyroid or the eyes? If so, you should talk to your treating doctors again in oder to take further steps if necessary.

It is not known to me, that there is a positive effect if selenium is taken in case of Hashimoto thyreoiditis.

Best regards,
Prof. Dr. TOF Wagner