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CF-contact to baby?

is a CF patient actually allowed to have direct contact to a newborn? The immue system is indeed maturing only over 4 the concrete case the CF patient is only colonized with Staph. aureus, however did already have Pseudmonas in the past.
Many thanks for your answer (the baby is not suffering from CF according to test).
the CF patient does not have any flying infectious germs like measles / varicella. Of course a CF patient with P. aeruginosa or Staph. aureus is allowed to have contact to a baby. He can have the same contact (take the baby on the arms etc) like a non-CF patient. Of course he has to wash his hands before. In case he would be markedly colonized with problematic germs he will not infect the baby! A natural hygiene is always necessary in presence of newborns or little babies.

Best regards,
Dr. H.-E. Heuer