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Stagnant water

What do you really mean by stagnant water? What should we really be aware of?
Thank you

Stagnant water can be defined as a water which does not circulate - or little - and which does not receive - or few - new water (for example some rainwater).
In the everyday life, the water of the vase is defined as a stagnant water…
The risk for patients with cystic fibrosis is a colonization with Pseudomonas aeruginosa which is going to mutilply importantly in this water.
It's recommended to avoid as much as possible extended contacts with this water and to perform after an exposure:
- hygiene of hands
- changing of clothes

As we often repeat it:
"Pseudomonas aeruginosa is present naturally in the environment and the risk of contamination is always possible and random, even if all the sanitary conditions are met".

Y Kerneur