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Scarlet fever


My 5-year-old little boy had the scarlet fever twice in 2 and a half months.
He finished his antibiotic treatment on Friday (that he had for 14 days) and he began again to have the symptoms 3 days after the end of the treatment. He has a visit tomorrow morning at our family doctor but can you tell me what the scarlet fever can have as consequence on a CF child and why does it return so often?

Thank you in advance
Scarlet fever is an infectious disease caused by group A toxin-producing streptococci, with three distinct types (A, B and C). It occurs most often in young children and results in a high fever associated with pharyngitis and a rash. Other germs can also cause such a scarlatiniform rash; in case of doubt, the throat swab, and the presence of serum antibodies can help to confirm the diagnosis. After scarlet fever, protective antibodies appear. Recurrences are rare; they are due to streptococcal infections of a different serotype. In a cystic fibrosis child, we have to keep an adequate hydration and good nutrition, and increase if necessary, physiotherapy.
Best regards
Dr Michèle Gérardin
8.9.14 Another possible explanation for the recurrence of symptoms may also be the possible resistance of the germ to the given antibiotic drug; therefore the germs could possibly be suppressed by the antibiotic but not totally killed and re-emerged after the end of the therapy. In this case, another antibiotic drug should be tried.
D. d'Alquen