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Tobramycin inhalation

is there any information if tobramycin inhalation during early pregnancy can be harmful for the baby? We have to inhale tobramycin twice a day with our 2-year-old CF daughter and we ask ourselves if the vapours that we share by sitting next to her could harm the unborn.
Many thanks
Hello dear questioner,
you turn to the expert advice with the question in how far the inhalation of tobramycin or "passive" inhalation of tobramycin might be harmful during early pregnancy for the fetus.
According to the prescribing information the preparation should not be used during pregnancy, as high dosages could cause hearing damage or damage of the kidneys in the unborn child. Investigations concerning the question in how far a "passive" inhalation could cause indeed relevant blood concentrations in the mother, are not known to us. From the clinical standpoint, however, it is doubtful that a passive inhalation of tobramycin, especially in case of a probably low used dosage for a 2-year-old child, can lead to a tobramycin concentration in the blood of the mother, that is harmful for the fetus.
We hope to have helped you with the answer and stay with our best regards,
Dr. med. Christina Smaczny und Dr. Eva-Maria Miserre (pharmacist)