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Addendum to answer „inhalation with 3% NaCl solution“

Dear Dr. Posselt,
many thanks for your inquiry and answer. With mixtures I meant mixtures between 0.9% and 3% NaCl and (!) 6 drops Berodualin®. After the diagnosis has been made we were told in the CF center that the 6 drops Berodualin® should be added directly into the 0.9% NaCl (for inhalation with Pari Boy®); do I understand you right, that one should never use Berodualin® with NaCl (but how to use it then…??)? Even at the point of changing to 3% NaCl we were told, that one could mix it with the 6 drops Berodualin®…I will again discuss this with the CF center, many thanks for your information.
Best regards,
[Notice: we assume, that the above addendum refers to the question „Inhalation with 3% NaCl solution“ You can find this question and answer here:]

my remark refers exclusively to the mixture with NaCl soltuions with a hihger percentage than 0.9%. Therefore for a mixture with addition of 3% NaCl solution. According to the information I have, there is only secure data about the stability of an inhalation solution, that is composed of Berodulain® drops and 0.9% NaCl. The same is true concerning the question of possible side effects.
Best regards,
Dr. H.-G. Posselt