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FEV1 value

I (CF, 39-years-old) would like to know up to which value the FEV1 value is in the normal range. My FEV1 value is at the 50% mark.
Dear E.,
with your question you want to know the normal value for FEV1. The FEV1 value is measured in the frame of a lung function test (FEV1 = one-second capacity, amount of air, that can be exhaled in the first second of a deep expiration). The FEV1 value is thought to be normal if it is in the range from 80-100%.
It has to be taken into account, that in case of FEV1, two values appear as results: one time the absolute FEV1 value is named, then the normal value is between 80-100%. At another place, the FEV1 value is brought into relation with the IVC (=inspiratory vital capacity, respectively FVC = forced vital capacity), that is the Tiffeneau value, in this case the value should be> 70%.

Yours sincerely,
Dr. med. Christina Smaczny