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Pandoraea sputorum

A little time ago, the sputum culture that was made during a quarterly visit revealed that my 13-year-old son was carrying the Pandoraea sputorum. A cure has been quickly programmed. Can you tell me what are the places that bear a risk of contamination with the germ? Thank you for your answer.

The Pandoraea are called "ubiquitous" bacteria, say they are present in various locations of the environment. It is difficult to specify the places at risk of contamination. Due to the scarcity of the germ, its ecology (where it lives) is not well known: we do indeed find a dozen international publications on this issue. This germ was found mainly in patients with CF and in the soil. At this stage of knowledge, hygiene precautions are the same as those recommended for Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Because of their natural resistance to many antibiotics (including colistin) and the existance of reported cases of cross-contamination between patients, these organisms are classified in class 4 with regard to the hygiene rules to be applied in care centers for patients who are carriers.

Hope that answers your question.
Kind regards.

Gilles RAULT, MD, Roscoff CF Center
and Genevieve HERY-ARNAUD, Microbiologist, Brest University Hospital