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Nebulization in an infant

Hello, I have a 7-month-old infant with CF. I would like to know if I can start hypertonic saline nebulizations to prevent the dehydratation of its mucus, of course with respect to the device disinfection rules. Do you think that it could be efficient to delay pulmonary infections?

Hello and thanks for your question.

The 7% hypertonic saline (7%HS) decreases the abnormal viscosity and elasticity of the mucus. A dozen of studies with nebulized 7%HS show an increase of the pulmonary function tests after 15 to 30 days of use. Only one study using 7%HS for 48 weeks showed an improvement in the quality of life and a 56% decrease in respiratory exacerbation requiring intravenous antibiotics. All these studies have been conducted in CF patients aged more than 6 years.
In CF patients aged less than 6 years, maybe because of a decreased pulmonary deposition of the HS, a 3 months nebulized treatment did not show any influence on the respiratory exacerbation rate (ISIS study).
Before thinking about this treatment, please refer to the medical doctors of your CF centre.
I hope to have answered to your question. With my best regards.
Prof Jean-Christophe Dubus