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Prolapse of the rectal mucosa

my daughter is 6 weeks old and as I recently gave her for the first time a suppository, a slight prolapse of the rectal mucosa occurred due to the fact that she was pressing against it. Now I observed it another time during emptying the bowels. There are always only a few mililmeters, that prolapse and after emptying the bowels the mucosa retracts always immediately.
Can this already be a hint for CF?
an anal prolapse, i.e. a prolapse of the mucosa of the recutm when emptying the bowels, can be a clinical sign for CF in the early infant and also in the later infant stage.
That, what you describe, does not give a hint for the suspicion of CF.
A very simple test i.a. for the diagnosis of CF is the measurement of the pancreatic elastase I in the stool. You should discuss this with your pediatrician. This investigation does not have to be performed in a special laboratory neither in a CF center.
Best regards,
Dr. H.-E. Heuer