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Calory need in case of normal lung function

Dear expert team,

does a CF patient with a normal lung function (same values as a healthy person) have the same caloric requirement of 150% as a severly ill CF patient? It does not seem logical to me, as the breathing work in case of patients with a normal lung function is markedly lower.

Best regards and many thanks for the information!

Dear T.
150% DACH reference value [translator’s comment: DACH stands for the three countries Germany, Austria and Switzerland whose nutritional societies published cooperatively reference values on the nutrient intake] for the energy intake of a CF patient with normal lung function would indeed be too high. Nevertheless, the basal metabolic rate is increased in patients with CF due to inflammatory processes, increased breathing work, physiotherapy etc., even if minimally increased. Overweight also occurs in case of CF.
Depending on the BMI [body mass index] respectively on the BMI-percentiles for children/adolescents under the age of 18 and on the daily physical activity, an energy intake of 110-120% DACH reference value for the energy intake should be targeted.
I hope to have answered your question herewith and stay with my best regards,
Suzanne van Dullemen