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Carpet and picking mushrooms in the forest

I’d like to know what is better in a room for a child with cystic fibrosis: carpet or linoleum like plastic soil?
And I'd would like to know if it's dangerous to pick mushrooms in the forest with the Pseudomonas or other bacteria present in the ground and moisture?
Thank you
To your first question, I would say without hesitation that the carpet is not good in a room for a child with cystic fibrosis.
This coating keeps dust mites even despite regular cleaning.
Conversely, the linoleum can be swept and washed very easily and efficiently.

To your 2nd question, the answer is less easy. It seems obvious that ride in the woods is not very good face to the risk of contact with decaying vegetation, Aspergillus filaments, fungi and moisture, but a walk in the woods to pick mushrooms is very nice for all family!
I advise against this activity with a little child but, this is possible from 5/6 years with the use of masks, limiting the risk of inhalation and washing hands after gathering.
Y Kerneur
