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Child care worker with Pseudomonas - CF child in institution

What has to be taken into account if a CF child enters an institution and a child care worker had already had the Pseudomonas germ herself? Is she a danger for the CF child?
the first question for the parents is: does the CF child has also an infection with Pseudomonas aerugionsa?
If not, then there is of course a certain risk, to aquire a colonization/infection with P.a.
If yes, theoretically an interchange of the P.a. germs could be possible. This could be problematic either for the child but also as well for the child care worker.
It would be the safest for sure, the child would go to another kindergarten.
The advantage to be cared of by a child care worker with CF (if this would be the case) is assumingly the competition of this educator, that could be an advantage concerning the CF for the child.
The disadvantage is however, an interchange of Pseudomonas aeruginosa germs.
In case of a rehabilitation cure, P.a. positive and negative patients are therefore segregated from each other; this is done as well in the CF centers.
Of course there are exceptions, as I got to know recently on the annual German CF meeting: a couple with CF reported, that they were bearing different P.a. germs and that they could not observe an interchange of germs despite of great closeness for years.
Therefore a clear answer:
The health care worker with a P.a. infection does represent in any case a risk for the child. The parents are already burdened emotionally. In case the child should aquire a P.a. colonization in this kindergarten, then none of the involved people would be happy and will announce accusations.
Best regards,
Dr. H.-E. Heuer