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aquarium in college


Our team was questioned by 2 families: their CF children are schooled in the same middle school (college, but different levels & classrooms) and they frequently - at the rate of 2 hours in sequence (1 - 2 times / week) - attend a lab of biology (about 20 m2) with presence of 3 medium-sized freshwater aquariums. The maintenance does not seem to be made regularly.
Is there a real and higher risk compared to the usual risk of Pseudomonas contamination in the environment?
Thank you in advance
Indeed, if the aquariums are not regularly maintained, the risk of stagnant water is present with Pseudomonas aeruginosa proliferation.
We simply advise to prevent children with cystic fibrosis to be in contact with the water and if it happened, hand hygiene by washing with soap and handrubbing is recommended.
This is another answer on this subject:[showitem]=1167&tx_expertadvice_pi1[search]=aquarium

Y Kerneur