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Lake and amusement park

I am a mother of a little CF girl wanting to go to a famous amusement park in Marne La Vallée (Disneyland). I would like to know if it was really dangerous or possible with rules of hygiene.
In addition, most of the hotels are located near a lake: there is any risk of contamination with P. aeruginosa?
Thank you in advance for your reply.
Dear questioner,

I think there is no problem for you to spend some time in this famous amusement park.
A few years (2008) ago, the French CF association itself held its general assembly, with patients staying there. So there is no concern to me to stay in the hotels and in the park.
As for attractions, avoid those where you may be in direct contact with water. You'll have more details by consulting the answers already given on this subject in ECORN:
see all former questions of interest about this topic under "Topics"--> recreational activities.

Laetitia Guéganton