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I have heard about the epigenetic, which is presented by INSERM as one of the major scientific and medical challenges of our time. Could you tell more concerning the use of epigenetic for CF treatment? Thank you

It is proved that epigenetic mechanisms regulate many genes that are important for the immune and inflammatory response.
These genes influence the severity of the disease (cystic fibrosis). In the scientific literature there are a lot of publications about “epigenetic and asthma”, but no research on “epigenetic and cystic fibrosis”.
But, before producing new treatments for CF based on epigenetic, we have to know the role of epigenetic in the regulation of the CFTR gene and all modifier genes for cystic fibrosis.
At Montpellier, there is a team very motivated who work on this topic and who is supported and funded by Vaincre la mucoviscidose association: [French site].

Best regards,
Anna Ronayette
Head of clinical research programs of Vaincre la mucoviscidose
