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cysteamine and epigallocatechin gallate

Our 9 months old daughter suffers from cystic fibrosis (homozygous for F508del mutation), and I read an article the month before regarding a potential treatment for cystic fibrosis by the use of cysteamine associated with epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which should have positive effects on the disease.
These two drugs are already on the market, which would imply that the developmental costs are less than for news drugs.
Do you have more information on this treatment and on positive effects for patients suffering from CF? Are clinical trials planned to know if it’s an effective treatment against CF?
In advance, thank you for all information you brought us regularly.


The article you are talking about indicates the results of a project performed on CF animal models and the results of a pilot clinical trial with 10 F508del homozygous patients.
As the results of this pilot clinical trial are encouraging, a clinical phase 2 trial is considered. The clinical trial will take place in different European countries, including France.
Cysteamine is indeed already marketed which will simplify the application process for a new indication. This molecule has obtained the orphan drug designation delivered by the European Medicines Agency for use in cystic fibrosis.
We don’t have more information on positive effects in case of treatment with cysteamine associated with epigallocatechin gallate in CF patients, as those available in the article published in october:

The clinical phase 2 trial will allow to confirm or not the efficacy of this treatment against the disease.

Best regards,
Anna Ronayette
Head of clinical research programs of Vaincre la mucoviscidose
