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F508del/Normal Genotype and ENT symptoms

as I am heterozygous F508del / normal and had a sweat test of 59 in 2004 I was told that I am not sick but I have a treatment for nose and Eustachian tube problems that no longer works and causes a cholesteatoma. I am looking for a clear diagnosis. I live in the Var. Who to see?

Ear Nose Throat problems are very common and may have various causes.
However the combination of these symptoms and an almost positive sweat test (59 mmol/l for a positivity threshold of 60 mmol / l), raises the question of an atypical form of cystic fibrosis. It would be useful to repeat the sweat test and a blood withdrawal for seeking a second mutation in the CFTR gene.
If you live in the Var, the 2 closest CF Centers are:
- Giens CF Center, Renée Sabran Hospital, Boulevard Edouard Herriot, 83406 Giens Cedex Tel:
- Nice CF Center, Pasteur Hal, 30 Av de la Voie Romaine, 06002 Nice:
Do not hesitate to contact one of them: they will be able to advise you.


Gilles RAULT, MD, Roscoff CF Center