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CF medical insurance coverage in EU

I will go from Russia to Budapest (Hungary) for working reasons, soon. My wife has CF. Me and her, we will work in Budapest and have a health insurance. How is the needed medical care there? What about drugs (Pulmozyme and Tobi), does it mean it is covered by the health insurance or do we have to pay it ourselves?
Which steps do we have to do for the beginning after the movement?
Shall we have all results and medical letters translated from Russian to Hungarian?
Dear questioner,
thank you very much for your questions to the German expert team.
Unfortunately we have no knowledge about the rules of health insurances in Hungary. Therefore we are not able to answer your question. However, we can give you the contacts of some people in Hungary, who are probably able to help you further. We got the contact addresses from “Cystic Fibrosis Europe". You could contact the following persons (as far as we know they all speak English: if they also speak German, we do not know):
Dr. Klára Holics:
Dr. Rita Ujhely:
Best regards,
Annette Pfalz for ECORN-CF