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Need to treat?

Dear ladies and gentlemen,
I have the following bacteria:
- a great number of Pseudomonas putida (I have otherwise no Pseudomonas)
- a great number of Haemophilus parainfluenza
- Aspergillus fumigatus

At the moment I cough more and I am very tired. My lung function is stable.
How do you judge the treatment, should I wait or take an antibiotic?

Many thanks and with best regards,
Dear L.,
I unfortunately have to diasappoint you, as I am not able to answer your question satisfyingly. The expert team can only inform, however via the expert team, no medical consultations can be done! Your question is a typical question for your CF pyhsician, who knows you and all your findings.
All three by you mentioned germs are so-called "environmental germs" and can have differing effects on CF patients. The germs can be detected as so-called colonization (then in general without negative impact on the patient) or can lead to an infection with respective ill-making consequences. Therefore a physician cannot decide if the increased cough and your weakness are in direct correlation with your germs without knowing your findings or without an investigation. Therefore, a recommendation for or against an antibiotic therapy cannot be made via the Internet.
I hope, that you have visited a physician in the meantime and that you got good advice.

Yours sincerely,
Dr. med. Christina Smaczny