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6% NaCl (MucoClear®/Hypertonic Saline)


Is it possible to overdose when inhaling 6% NaCl or can I inhale as much as I want? Sometimes I inhale 20ml of 6% NaCl per day.

Best regards and thank you for answering.

Dear questioner,

Paracelsus (doctor, alchemist, (…) philosopher) already stated in the 16th century:
“All things are poisons, for there is nothing without poisonous qualities. It is only the dose which makes a thing poison.”
What I am trying to say is that each drug should be used according to the recommendations in the official product information (Summary of medicinal product characteristics). Overdosage is also depending on each patient’s tolerability of the drug – a dose that is tolerated well by one patient can cause side effects in another patient. After consultation with the doctor there may be cases where a deviating dosage recommendation (higher or lower) might be appropriate, but this is always to be clarified in every single case. This is also true for the use of 6% NaCl. Please note that not always “more is better”! The recommended standard dose for 6% NaCl is 2-3x/day 1 ampule (e.g. 4ml each) and in your case it should be checked by your doctor if an additional effect of the inhalation can be noticed in the quantity/dosis you use it.

Best regards,
Dr. med. Christina Smaczny