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Disinfection of poolwater

Hello dear expert team,
First of all many thanks that you are there with your advice. Now to my question. We will install in the summer a pool with a diameter of 5 m. Last year, the water had been disinfected with chlorine, that worked more or less well. Now we have heared about disinfection with active oxygen and about disinfection with salt. Hereby, the salt is put into the poolwater and is changed via a pump and a chemical reaction (I hope that I understood everything right); the salt content would be with this method at 0.4%. Could you give a recommendation, which procedure is the right one? Many thanks in advance.
Dear questioner,
for a CF patient, who is not already colonized with P. aeruginosa, the usage of a garden pool represents a risk, as here the colonization with this germ is nearly the rule. If such a pool has to be disinfected, this should only be done with the classical substances like chlorine, as we can assume a good efficacy here. If one adds something be hand, the content is differing of course widely. Disinfection with alternative substances has to be strongly dehorted, as the efficacy is until now not proven in convincing studies.
Best regards,
Barbara Kahl