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Forest manager

Can my son make a training to become a forest manager without worries or is there a big danger to get a germ or fungus?

depending on the season (especially in the autumn) there could be increased concentrations of mould fungi spores in the forest. Also in the ground, mould fungi are present. Mould fungi can have a certain potential of causing allergies.
The most commen mould fungus is Aspergillsu fumigatus. It is inhaled via the air as a floating spore and can by this reach the deeper airways of the human. For CF patients (about 30% are colonized), a colonization with Aspergillus does not in any case mean to cause an illness. However there could also appear symptoms caused by Aspergillus, that are called allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA). In case of ABPA, the immune system of the patient reacts "allergic" to Aspergillus, i.e. it produces substances that cause an overreacting inflammation in the lung.
A clear recommendation to your question is difficult to give while not knowing the CF illness (including the course of the illness) of your son.
Therefore I recommend, that you discuss the wish of the training with his physician in charge, as he can best estimate the individual risk depending on the findings.

Best regards,
Jörg Steinmann