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Pulmonary condensation


The last Thorax x-ray of my 11 year old son revealed pulmonary condensation. I don't really understand what it mean´s or what are the consequences.
Can you explain it to me?
Thank you in advance
Pulmonary condensation corresponds to a filling of cavities with liquid. It reflects either the presence of infection (that is to say, pneumonia and in this context, with fever, cough, possibly chest pain) or obstruction of the airways that direct to this condensed area. In the case of your son, it's rather the second possibility. This type of radiological abnormalities is quite common among CF patients and often combine the two mechanisms I mentioned above. The prescription of antibiotics (usually oral) or cortisone orally, the intensification of drainage and thinning secretions are elements for the general management. Some of these condensations disappear under these treatments. Those that persist can be a pulmonary fragile zone and can lead to secondary infections.
Kind regards
Pr Philippe Reix