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Dietary supplement


I was told about dietary supplements (Reliv) that would improve the overall condition in CF; before I start I would like to know if it was known and recommended?

Thank you

There are a variety of "dietary supplements" offered commercially, with very varied compositions (vitamins, trace elements, fatty acids ...).

There are no recommendations for use of such products, particularly in cystic fibrosis.

Healthy, diverse, balanced and caloric-rich eating is the best guarantee of maintaining good general and nutritional health and lack of deficiencies in patients. It should ensure an adequate intake of essential fatty acids, but also water and salt. In pancreatic insufficiency, taking pancreatic extracts during the meal should allow optimal digestion and intestinal absorption, and fat soluble vitamins are usually prescribed, due to malabsorption due to pancreatic insufficiency.

The annual laboratory tests will detect possible deficiencies and correct them.

Feel free to discuss with your CF dietitian on this topic!

Kind regards
Dr Michèle Gérardin