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Aquagenic wrinkling of palms

Hi, I'm dermatologist
A 20-year-old girl comes to consult me: she has been experiencing a typical 10 days clearly an aquagenic wrinkling of palms (I did the test and have well observed characteristic changes of her palms...).
No personnal history of CF.
Do I still worry her and have her making a CFTR gene mutation research?
The articles describe this anomaly more often in CF patients and are not clear for non CF patients.
Thank you for your response.

Cases of idiopathic aquagenic wrinkling of palms were actually described, but this diagnosis can be retained after eliminating another cause and primarily Cystic Fibrosis, the most common etiology.
Publications on this syndrome are limited. We have little epidemiological information concerning its prevalence in the general population, the population with cystic fibrosis or other diseases.

You will find additional information about this answers to previous questions posted on the ECORN CF-site by clicking on the following link:

Even in the absence of other signs suggestive of cystic fibrosis (high or low recurrent respiratory infections, chronic diarrhea, underweight ...), it may seem appropriate to complement the explorations to eliminate a moderate form of CF that might however require monitoring by a specialized center.

Best wishes
Gilles RAULT, MD, Roscoff CF Center