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Maintenance for musical instrument

I'd like to know the advices of maintenance which you recommend for wind musical instruments. Because of their price, I see myself bad adviser of javel baths. Brass instruments can be defused and immersed again but no wood instruments!!!! I have a young patient who plays trumpet...
Thank you for giving me your experience.

Actually, it is not easy to give advice on the maintenance of wind instruments.

It is once again necessary to be rigorous in the maintenance as every type of material to avoid any wet stagnation:
Clean the instrument immediately after use,
Dry it and put it then in a clean case

For a trumpet, the mouthpiece need to be washed and to be dried after every use
Let dry the body or wipe with a clean dry cloth in the tube
I also recommend to maintain and to dismantle regularly the whole trumpet
[videos can be found on]

Thank you for inviting me in the first concert of this trumpeter!

Y Kerneur