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Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Dear experts,
Is there a test available that can test the presence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the water?

Dear questioner,
Pseudomonas is well spread in our environment but the link between exposure to these bacteria and infections in CF patients is not so clear. Systematic detection of this bacterium in the environment seems therefore not useful and could only induce too much fear of contamination. However, it might be useful to detect very heavy contamination (e.g of a swimming pool, Jacuzzi, etc.)
The identification of this bacterium is usually done by putting a possibly contaminated environmental sample in a culture medium and then subsequently analyzing the pigment production of the bacterial culture.
There are also techniques that detect the DNA (genetic material) of the Pseudomonas bacterium without the need to first perform a culture. This is the so-called PCR technique (polymerase chain reaction). Currently existing PCR instant commercial kits can be used to determine the presence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. However, these techniques are complicated, time-consuming and are reserved for skilled experts at the laboratory.
So far, there is no reliable test available for use at home.
Best regards,
Prof. K. De Boeck