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is Creon® effective if it's taken during the meal (because it's difficult to gauge the quantity of food which will be consumed by a young child, so could we give one Creon® at the beginning and then a second during the meal if the appetite is there)?
And in case of forgetting, is taking it at the end of the meal interesting?
Thank you

The majority of CF patients has an exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, and do not produce enough pancreatic enzymes necessary for digestion. Taking pancreatic enzymes with meals (e.g. Creon®) will allow to make the enzymes needed for digestion and absorption of food, including fats and proteins.

Pancreatic extracts should be taken at the beginning of meals or snacks, and the amount should be adapted to the fat content of the meal.

If meals last long, it's advisable to split the intake to promote good absorption, giving some extracts at the beginning and in the middle part of the meal. Similarly, in the case of your child, you can give pancreatic enzymes before the meal and during the meal.

If you forgot, giving some extracts at the end is always better than nothing, but it should be exceptional!

Do not hesitate to contact the dietician of your CF center.

Dr Michèle Gérardin