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I'm 44 years old. Since June, 2007 I have had long-term swelling throughout my body, concentrated in the face and evenly in the area from the knees to the groin.
A comprehensive examination was unable to come up with a diagnosis.
The biclonal IgG kappa gammopathy was set at 2.5+0.8g/l, and repeatedly low albumin levels at 32.4, with decreased kidney filtration functions and hypoproteinemia.
Since childhood I've had repeated infections in the nose and throat, vocal cords and an emetic cough.
My mother had an operation for pancreatic cancer.
Should I undergo examination to rule out CF, and if so, how?
Thank you for devoting time to my question.
Best regards, Ivana R.
The description of the difficulties you describe are most probably caused by kidney disease given the gamapathy you mentioned. There is not enough information to make a clear evaluation of whether an examination for the possible presence of CF is necessary. It appears, however, that it is not necessary. Your attending physician can send you to a specialist if necessary, most frequently to a pneumologist, for an expert examination.
Best regards, Libro Fila and Jitka Brazova