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Moving to the north of Germany

Dear expert team,
My son is 4 years old and suffers from CF. He is doing relatively well and he lives a normal life. We live in a city in the middle of Germany, but we will move to the North of Germany, soon. My question is where to go best: North Sea or the Western part of the Baltic Sea, apart from the climatic specialties? I thank you very much in advance,
The North Sea as well as the Baltic Sea are very beautiful landscapes. For CF the salty air is important. Aerosols that can well be deposited in the lung can only be found just at the Sea shore. Here more seemingly at the North Sea. The wind is coming mostly from Western directions, therefore the air is clear as it comes from the North Sea/Atlantic Sea.
CF Centers can be found in Flensburg, Lübeck, Kiel, Hamburg i.a.
We hope to have helped you with this answer.
Best regards,
Dr. H.-E. Heuer