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3 MRGN in case of CF and fellows

I (CF) have a chronic colonization with germs as most CF patients have. One of the germs is 3 MRGN and from time to time there occurs another one that is at least 3 MRGN or even 4 MRGN. In general, one separates ill people, old people, children and pregnant women from patients with these problematic germs. Are CF patients therefore a risk for those groups or is the situation different, as it deals with a colonization within the body and therefore the germ can only be found in the sputum, which is not accessible for other people.
Many thanks for your support
the comission for hospital hygiene and infection prevention (KRINKO [German]) recommends, that patients with 3 MRGN in risk areas and patients with 4 MRGN have to be isolated in all hospitals. These recommendations are valid expicitely for hopsitals.
In the private environment there are no valid proofs that a transmission from patient to patient takes place, if hygiene standards pertain. Even siblings and CF couples show different P.aeruginosa strains and resistances. MRGN germs, however, can be transmitted via the hands. If there is a direct danger for people with cancer, pregnancy or immune deficiency, is scientifically not clarified conclusively. In the private environment it is in my opinion important, to follow the essential hygiene rules. With that, the risk of transmission of MRGN is minimized.

Best regards,
Jörg Steinmann