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Substitution of vitamins

Hello dear expert team,
at the moment one can read in the press, that vitamin tablets respectively antioxidants could have a damaging effect, especially in cancer patients. I (CF patient, female, 38) ask myself, if I should go on taking my vitamin tablets. Could there be a connection between the increased cancer risk in CF patients and the pemanent intake of vitamins? If the serum levels of vitamins are in the normal range, should vitamins be substituted in spite of this (especially fat soluble ones), taking the new knowledge into account?
Many thanks for your answer in advance.
indeed there are many publications on the topic antioxidants and (malignant) tumors. However there are obvioulsy even hints for a protecitve as well as for a worsening effect (depending on the location of the tumor or the type, design of the study or methods).
I would like to summerize it as follows: the data on the role of antioxidants in the frame of avoidance, development and occurence of malignant tumors are not conclusive and it is too early, to draw any consequences of it (to take more or less antioxidants). I was not able to find anything about the connection between development of tumors and the intake of vitamin D in CF. The necessity to take Vitamin D in case of CF and too low serum levels is however uncontroversial. Therefore it stays as it si that a substitution of vitamin D should be done.

Best regards,

Prof. Dr. TOF Wagner