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Are there cases of CF patients who, without medical help (antibiotics) were able to eradicate germs such as staphylococcus sensitive to antibiotics?

I ask this because my 13-months-old CF child has so far avoided the use of antibiotics against Haemophilus and E.coli that he has eradicated without antibiotics.

Also I wonder if this can happen with a Staphylococcus germ or is it too intrusive to be discharged without medical help?

Staphylococcus is one of the most common germs found in the airways of young CF children (up 7/10 children according to data from the French CF Registry). It is not always necessary to prescribe antibiotics when the germ is found in secretions, except (and this is not systematic) highlighting the finding of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus (MRSA). Furthermore, we don't know how much children can "spontaneously" get rid of this germ.

Best regards,
Pr P. Reix