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Worsening of the prognosis because of Pseudomonas?

what is the actual guidelinde in case of chronic colonizsation with Pseudomonas? Which role do the Pseudomonas antibodies play?
Is it still like this that a chronic infection with Pseudomonas, that is treated according to the acutal guidelines, leads to a worsening of the prognosis/lung function?
Many thanks that you take your time!
the acutal guidelines would go beyond the scope of this forum and can be read under "S3 guidelines "pulmonary disease in case of CF"" as an AWMF guildeline in the internet [German guildeline]; modul 1 "diagnosis and therapy in case of the first finding of Pseudmonas aerginosa".
Pseudomonas antibodies do not play a great role in here, more important is the result of the sputum.
The last question is not easy to answer. According to the data we have, it is indeed like this, that an infection with Pseudmonas lead to a worsening of the lung function, mostly because of the exacerbations. In case one follows the recommendations consequently, the worsening is slowed down markedly. If one can achieve a markedly improvement here with the new drugs, remains to be waited for.
Best regards,
Prof. Dr. Joachim Bargon