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Hello, I am a mother of a three-year-old CF child. For 15 days, it's difficult for him to eat.
I wanted to know if it's normal or if I should consider another nutrition?
Thank you.
Your child has recent feeding difficulties: is he vomiting? Food refusal? Decrease in appetite?
The first step is to seek the cause of these new difficulties: they may be due for example to an episode of pulmonary congestion, to a nasal obstruction, to an another infection, to an abdominal pain, and sometimes to difficulties of psychological resounding on appetite ...
This can be quite transient, and does not cause excessive anxiety. We can try to better tailor meals to the tastes of children, split the food intake into smaller meals or, at that age, offer a bottle, especially if the child is tired.
If difficulties persist, a consultation of the doctor and the dietician of your CF Center will check the weight of your child and give you personalized advice.
Best regards
Dr Michèle Gérardin