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Inhalation devices for CF patients

Is there a good alternative for the e-flow®? We inhale three times a day (two times Mucoclear® 6% and one time Pulmozyme® and realize with the e-flow® a rapid decrease of the inhalation power. With a new nebulizer, an inhalation of one ampoule takes only about 6 minutes, however after some time (2-3 weeks) the inhalate comes out more and more less concentrated, and the inhalation of one ampoule takes markedly longer. The inhalation is then markedly less effective, the mucus losens much lesser. And this in spite of the recommended clearance by Pari® with the easycare device and even with regular clearance with Kukident®-solution.
This short life duration of the nebulizer is going on our nerves. Are there any other devices for CF that could be recommended?
Many thanks for your experience!
Dear questioner,
you critizes indeed justifiably the lifespan of the swinging membrane of the e-flow®. The by you used inhalation solutions impair the longterm power markedly and one is constanly busy with the organisation of clearance (more clearing and caring is not possible) and reordering of new membranes. This is understandably annoying.
An alternative to the e-flow® membrane nebulizer is not known to me for patients with CF, in case of taking into account time, hygiene, noise, mobility and nebulizing drugs.
I am sorry to be not able to help you further at this timepoint.

Best regards,
Kathrin Könecke-Goerg, physiotherapist