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Chest Physiotherapist

My son, a 2-year-old boy, is seen in a CF center which doesn't give the same instruction as the others.
In fact, my boy is DeltaF508, he has chest and digestive problems.
He doesn't spit any suputum since he was born and he was perfectly well.
He does one chest physiotherapy every 2 weeks only.
It a short session and nothing comes out.
I think it's not enough.
My CF center says he doesn't need more but when I talk with parents from another CF center, I notice that the other kid does more chest physiotherapy.
I'm scared not doing the right thing.
What do you think?
Why such differences?
Thank you
The international recommendation is 1 session per day, though it frequently happens that the dosage is changed according to the patient's pulmonary status.
I do not know your child, so I can not really answer your question, maybe they don't want your kid to hate the physiotherapy. However, nothing provides you from doing more...
As for me, I like to keep them to one or two sessions a week if parents do some exercises with their child between sessions.
Anyway, I think it's better to take enough time everytime because some patients need some time to succeed in spiting.
When there is no obstruction, you can always do some other breathing exercices.
After cheking the breath status, it's possible to have some physical exercise instead or having a massage...
what we must remember is that congestion has not to be expected to make chest physitherapy sessions ...
You can also ask to learn to do it by yourself, this will allow you to do it between the physiotherapy and to have autonomy for the treatments especially for vacations ....
I hope to have answered your question.
Best regards
Charlotte Lacarrière