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my daughter, aged 10 months, is Lebanese, she has CF. She was detected at her birth because of a bowel obstruction. Her pediatrician didn't priscribe physiotherapy, just vitamines.
When she was 8 months old, she has an ECBC, she has pseudomonas in her suputum.
Then she had antibiotic by IV and a PAC. After her stay in hospital, we started chest physiotherapy, 3 times a week but only 5 minutes.
My question is: is it enought 3 times a week only 5 minutes?
The physiotherapyst told me that it was enough for her Ii can't learn to do it by myself because I could breack her diaphragm.
I want to know if I am doing the right thing? If I learn to do it how much time must I do it?
My daughter cries every time she does physiotherapy.
Thank you very much
It'a difficult question!
The international recommandations are to do chest physiotherpy every day but it's true that the physitherapist can decide how many times he needs to see your girl depending on how much is the obstruction. Maybe he doesn't want to cause some spasm.
I perfere 3 good sessions instead of 5 too short not well done sessions.
It's normal if your girl cries during the chest physiotherapy because the physio is changing her way to breath and it's bothering her, but it's not painful.
For the exact protocol, adapted to your child, I suggest you meet a pysiotherapist at a reference center. They can tell you what they think is the better for your girl when they see her.
It's possible to learn to do the chest physiotherpay by yourself but you need to learn it with a professional it takes time.
I often recommend to have several physiotherapists because every one does it differently and by this way it's more complete.
I hope I answered your question.
Best regards.
Charlotte Lacarriere