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Hypertonic saline and NaCl

I came across the following article via the internet... [article in German]
What do you think about the statement concerning the assumed ineffecitveness of hypertonic saline and NaCl inhalation in case of CF children?
Best regards!
Dear questioner,
many thanks for your question.
It is right, that the by you mentioned study did not find an improvement for the investigated parameters. On the other hand, some children (27 children) have additionally had a measurement of the lung clearance index (LCI) in this study. For the lung clearance index a so-called marker-gas is measured during expiration. The higher this value is, the more inflammation is found in the lung. From investigations of babies in Australia we know, that besides CT-changes of the lung this is the most sensitive parameter to measure the extent of inflammationin the lung. A decrease of the LCI is therefore accompanied with an anti-inflammatory effect. Insofar, I recommend the inhalation of hypertonic saline also in case of toddlers. However, the number of participants (27 children) was low in this study. In American recommendations it is recommended only in children over 6 years of age.
I hope to have helped you further. Please talk with the staff of your CF center about these possibilities.

Best regards,
PD Dr. Sabina Schmitt-Grohé