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Medical checkup over the age of 50

Hello dear expert team,
I am 51 years old and suffer from CF. I received an information about a medical checkup from the insurance for men over the age of 50. I.a. an endoscopy of the bowel was proposed to be done every 2 years. I am very insecure. In healthy people such a checkup makes sense to me, however with CF? Openly speaking the risk seems to be too high for me to get additional complications during the endoscopy via often observed possible injuries of the gut mucosa. A collegue of mine, who had such an endoscopy done, had to stay for weeks at hospital, got an MRSA and was even on intensive care unit. What is your opinion?
Many greetings
Dear F.,
medical chekups, that are offered by the health insurance (here endoscopy of the gut for men over 50) pertain also for CF patients. The patient himself has to decide about the performance of the investigation, it is not mandatory, however a medical recommendation. The illness of CF does not protect against the occurrence of cancer diseases, therefore the endoscopy of the gut is recommended independently of the diagnosis of CF. Every endoscopy can have complications, therefore before the investigation a detailed information of the patient is mandatory as well as a written consent. In the single case the advantage and possible risks have to be weighed against each other.
I hope to have helped you with this answer and stay with my best regards,
Dr. Christina Smaczny