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Wellbeing cure for CF

Hello, I would like to know if in France there are specialized treatments for cystic fibrosis just like Thalassotherapy cures. I've heard of a center in Roscoff, Brittany. Can you tell me a little more.
Thank you in advance

I do not think we can say that there are specialized treatments for cystic fibrosis as there is for thalassotherapy courses. But there are actually specialized centers for the treatment of CF patients. There are 45 CF Centers in France, pediatric (for patients under 18 years) , adult (18 years or more) or mixed for all ages. These CFCs are distributed throughout the territory and have been qualified by the Ministry of Health in 2002 to provide access to high quality care in relative proximity. You can access a map of those CFCs by clicking on the following link: [only for France]

Regarding the Roscoff CF Centre, it is located in Brittany, a region where cystic fibrosis is more common; it was in the 1960s one of the first French specialized centers for CF patients care. At that time, CF patient care was not nationally organized, the Roscoff CF Center (like some other centers, including CF Center in Giens in South East of France) received patients from across the country for stays of a variable but sometimes prolonged periods. At present, the Roscoff CF Center cares for patients living in the western part of Brittany and also receives patients referred by other French CFCs, not for wellbeing cures as there are in the Roscoff Thalassotherapy center, but for therapeutic and rehabilitation stays related to a particular situation, for instance before or after lung transplantation.

The CF patients may sometimes benefit from thalassotherapy courses more focused on the general welfare than the specific treatment of the disease. This type of care however is usually not covered by health insurance.

Best regards,

Gilles RAULT, MD, Roscoff CF Center