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Hygiene: the Nespresso coffee machines Nespresso, bacteria nests?


We have a Nespresso machine at home. We clean the reservoir every day and the capsules box regularly. Since the publication of typical articles below, my CF wife doesn't dare to take more coffee:
Http: // chines-a-cafe-nespresso-des-nids-a-bact eries-933592.html [article in French]

Furthermore, in the hygiene brochure published by the French CF Association, it's advisable to dry the dishes with towels changed every day and washed in 90 °. In coffee shops or restaurants, it should not always be the case: which precautions are necessary to take when we have to take a drink or a meal in a coffee or a restaurant?
Thank you
Actually, this article can disturb. However, the risks are limited because you clean regularly the reservoir. I also recommend you to throw away capsules after every use or very often.
In restaurants and bars, don’t worry because if the situation was so risky, the number of food poisonings would be important and this information would be diffused very quickly!
Notice that the professional washing machines use superior cycles in 60°C, allowing a disinfection and a drying without wiping. Restaurants have strict hygiene rules.
To reassure your wife, there is to my knowledge no risk of respiratory bacterial colonization from coffee machines.
I wish a Happy New Year 2016 to you around an espresso or around a coffee piston or of a drip coffee …
Y Kerneur