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Hyperechogenic bowel

I am in the 14th week of pregnancy and during a trophoblast test the fetus was tested positive for the DF508 CF mutation (heterozygote carrier). I and my husband have not been tested for any CF mutations. As far as I know there is no CF history in any of our families.
I was informed by the laboratory that the fetus was checked for 53% of CF mutations and they recommend further testing. I was offered three options to test the fetus for 75%, 85% or 99% of the CF mutations. I would like to ask what are the chances for the fetus to have CF for each one of the offered options.
Dear friend,
You are in the 14th week of pregnancy and during a trophoblast testing the fetus was found to carry the DF508 mutation in a heterozygous state, having been tested for 53% of CF mutations. You and your husband have not been tested for any CF mutations, and you are not aware of any family CF history.
If you are tested for 75% of the CF mutations and the results are negative, the chanced for the fetus to have CF are 1/200. If you are tested for 85% of the CF mutations and the results are negative, then the chances for the fetus to have CF are 1/332, whereas if you are tested for 90% of the mutations the chances are 1/500. The more mutations you are tested for, the less are the chances for the fetus to have CF.

Yours friendly,
Dr. Stavros Doudounakis