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Genetic testing

I am in the 17th week of pregnancy and I was tested for 92% of the CF mutations. I received an answer saying that no pathological mutations were detected, but just the following non pathological polymorphisms: 7Τ/7Τ,p.V470M, rs213950. What are the chances for the child to have CF, bearing in mind that my husband has not been tested. Thank you!
Dear friend
You are in the 17th week of pregnancy and were checked for 92% of CF mutations. The results were negative and the non pathological mutations 7Τ/7Τ,p.V470M, rs213950 were detected. Your husband has not been tested for CF mutations. In this way the possibility for the fetus to have CF has been greatly reduced. If your husband is tested and found to be negative for CF mutations, then the chanced are further reduced.
Since you were tested for 92% of the CF mutations and found to be negative, then the chances of you and your husband having a child with CF are 1/35.088 (0.0028%), if your husband remains untested. If your husband gets tested and found to be a carrier, then the chances of having a child with CF are 1/1164 (0.086%). If your husband is negative as well, then the chances of having a child with CF (since no test has a 100% detection rate) are 1/357143 (0.00028%).

Yours friendly,
Dr. Stavros Doudounakis