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Drinking bottles

My daughter is 7-years old and suffers from CF.
I am insecure concerning the usage of water bottles. Due to the supposed colonization of germs in case of refill-bottles, I have changed to one-way 0.5 litre bottles (only for usage in school and during sports). The bottle is emptied within one day and at home we drink only water from glas bottles.
Do I have to worry because of chemicals in one-way bottles?? Or is this the smaller problem?
Many thanks for your advice
in different scientific investigations it came out, that PET-bottles contain estrogen substances (estrogen is the female sexual hormone). The hormone-like substances are used as softener, in order to give PET-bottles their flexibility.
The national German institute for risk assessment is handling this proble and stated, that the consumer does not have to worry concerning the usage of PET bottles, as the amounts are very small and markedly under the existing limit value.
Another substance, that is discussed to be a helath risk coming from PET bottles is the acetaldehyde. Investigations revealed, that depending on the manufacturer, different concentrations of acetaledhyde occur.
In general one can say, that from the scientific view there is insufficient data for making a judgement if PET bottles are a health risk or not.
Further information can be found on the following link [link in German]:

Best regards,
Dr. Jörg Steinmann