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Important BMI

My daughter aged nearly 4 years (June) has an BMI of 18.
95 cm for 16,1kg. For a long time, she had a lower weight curve than normal, the CF center recommended us to give her high calorie meals. But now I wonder if the dose of Creon 12000 (1 morning, 3 afternoon, 3 for snack and 3 evening) is not too much?
The first question to ask is not about the dose of pancreatic enzymes (which is adapted to the weight of the child, the content of the meal and possibly fat loss in the stool: steatorrhea) but about the calorie intake following the enrichment instructions you received.
However, in a child who was "late" in weight and size, and that we feed "better", there is always a first catch in weight and then in size until the "normal" size for the age and weight is reached. Therefore, these children often go through a transitional period (3-6 months) when they are a little "round" and after that their growth in size is accelerating and everything is in order.
In the case of your daughter, do not change anything (neither dose of Creon or food fortification) without taking medical advice from the dietician and the CF center who knows her medical condition over time, treatments, growth curve, with all information without which we can not advise you properly.
Best regards,
V. Columbus-Jung, director of the medical department,
Franch CF asoociation "Vaincre La Mucoviscidose"