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Unexplained stomach pain

Dear expert team,
for some month I suffer again and again from unexplained, crampy stomach pain. It deals with a kind of pain other than after a forgotten/wrongly dosed Kreon intake, it does not go along with stool irregularities.
It was striking, that this pain occured frequently in phases when I did sport regularly (about 3 times a week). Often this pain occurs during the night, and I wake up from it. After the intake of a little meal or high-calorie shakes the pain is disappearing fast, however returns after some hours. In passive phases without doing sports this kind of pain did almost not occur.
What could be the cause of such kind of pain?
Mayn thanks in advance for your efforts.
Best regards,
Dear questioner,
from your mail, we cannot conclude your age, however I assume that you are not a child anymore. Furthermore I assume, that you suffer from CF, as you adress the expert team for CF.
In case of CF patients, stomach ache is often accompanied by digestion abnormalities due to the impaired function of the pancreas. In case this should not be the reason for your complaints, one has to look for other reasons. As stomach pain can have very different reasons, that can possibliy have nothing to do with CF, furthter diagnostics could be necessary. Here are only some potential differential diagnoses:
bacterial dys-colonization of the small bowel, glucose or lactose intolerance, gastritis or peptic ulcer, other illnesses of the gut or abdominal organs, problems of the diaphragm, gynecological problems, psychological problems, stress and others. Besides a nutritional protocol, fat in the stool and an ultrasound of the abdomen, also diagnostics of the stool, blood investigastions, probably a gastroscopy and other investigations have to be performed dependent on the complaints, the health status and the results. If all this is necessary in your case and which reasons could your stomach pain have, cannot be answered by the expert team via the internet. A medical advice cannot be given by the expert team. Ecorn-CF can only inform, however in no case can make an evaluation of the clinical situation, neither can judge the therapy nor give therapeutical recommendations. For this, the physician has to know the patient, and has to talk to him, investigate him and have seen all his results. Therefore I ask you, to turn with your complaints to a CF-competent doctor. Probably the answer can help you when talking to your physician. If needed, the consultation of a gastroenterologist would make sense.
I hope to have helped you somehow with my answer and stay with my best regards,
Dr. Christina Smaczny