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Mild CF

My daughter, 2 months old, has a positive genetic test with F508del and 5T abnormalities but sweat test has been negative; she has just been diagnosed as a mild form of cystic fibrosis...
She will be followed in prevention every 6 months throughout her life ... Extremely rare cases apparently so few answers from the doctors ...
But I'd love to know ... what will the future bring? Will the symptoms of the disease inevitably declare one day or another? Which precautions are to take? What risks are there? Will she be more fragile?
Thank you in advance for your answer...

I would refer you to an answer to a similar question by clicking on the following link:

It is difficult to accurately predict the evolution of these mild CF forms which were diagnosed not on symptoms but on a screening test. This is the justification for regular monitoring in the long term because we cannot eliminate the possibility of evolution towards a moderate form of the disease.
For your daughter, a reassuring element however is that the sweat test is negative. Precautions, like any other child, are accepting regular medical monitoring and to respect the general recommendations of lifestyle: a healthy diet, avoiding polluted atmospheres including smoking, promote physical activity, have a normal social life.

Hope this answer can help.
Best wishes
Gilles RAULT, MD, Roscoff CF Center