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Leaky gut

My question is about an illness named leaky gut. My question was if this could not also frequently occur in patients with CF, especially if they are taking antibiotics frequently. And if yes, would a gluten-free nutrition help also? Many thanks for your answer.
Dear questioner,
for answering your question, I seeked for advice at an experienced gastroenterologist from our university hospital in Frankfurt, Dr. Johannes Hausmann. We can now say the following about your question:
The term „leaky gut syndrom“ is rather an all-day term, which is used mainly in nature/alternative medicine. In the end, one assumes an abnormal increased permeability of the gut mucosa, caused by different food (allergens?!) respectively dysbiosis (impairment of the gut flora). In case of a “leaky gut” it comes to a change of the gut mucosa, whereby foreign substances from the gut (e.g. bacteria, undigested food components and metabolic products) can reach the blood system and cause there different complaints.
The therapy of the leaky-gut syndrome is targeting the underlying substance. This substance has to be avoided consequently (however has first to be found!) and has to be considered when choosing food. This includes in the first line gluten- and lectin-containing products like cereals-, whole grain products, bread, pasta and legumes (soja) – to a lesser extent also the usage of other food products like potatoes, tomatoes or paprika, furthermore products made of these plants like special plant oils, flour and dairy products. As such a change involves deeply the nutritional habits, the diagnosis should at first be made by an experienced gastroenterologist and the diet should only be initiated by a professional dietitian under the supervision of a physician.
A connection to CF is not known to us. The occurrence of symptoms seems to be independent from the illness of CF. I hope to have helped you a bit with this answer and stay with my best regards,
Dr. med. Christina Smaczny